The year 2015 has witnessed a lot of mysterious stuff on the internet. One such video which went viral and created a havoc across the internet was "The Plague Doctor Video".

A user by the name of Parker Wright had uploaded a video titled , "11B-X-1371" to YouTube back in 2015. It still exists on YouTube and you can view it through this link :- 11B-X-1371
The video showcases an anonymous person in what seems a plague doctor costume standing in an abandoned constrcuction site. He was doing some weird hand actions and trying to convey something, probably a message or code, through sign language.

On the same day this video was uploaded, another user by the name "aetbx" uploaded the same video, but with a different title and description. His title and description were in the form of binary codes.

Using Binary to Text converter, if you decode the title, it translates to "Muerte" which in Spanish means "Death". And on decoding the description it translates to "te queda 1 ano menos" which in English translates to "You have got 1 year less left" .

On noticing the video closely, many cryptic and morse codes can be observed in it. Also the video has a distorted background audio throughout till the end. In order to check whether the audio was some kind of a message, it was converted into a spectogram and the results were astonishing!

The message was, "You are already dead. We are the antivirus" In addition, it also revealed the images of a woman screaming, and two human cadavers. It also included several images which were apparently women being tortured. 

One of the spectogram results

In the background, there are sevreal cryptic codes in form of symbols and number coordinates. These together have been found to be creating the buzz sound. The code reads "RedLipsLikeTenth" and the co-ordinates were of the "White House"

Here's a coincidence! The phrase RedLipsLikeTenth was an anagram for "Kill The President" .
On the basis of this, a no. of theories has been put forward in the past five years. Many claim this was a hoax, or a serial killer, or terrorist, etc. 
The technology news website "" has covered about this mysterious video in one of its blogs. The suspects behind this video are Johny Krahbichler from GadgetZZ , aetbx and Parker Wright. Though, Parker Wright had already claimed on his Twitter account, that he had nothing to do with the creepy video. We still aren't sure whether this involves either of the three users.

There also exists a Reddit Thread which revolves around this mystery. 

Parker's Tweet

Work of decoding the identity of the person behind the plague doctor suit and the person who recorded the video still continues, and one day we can hope to solve this mystery! That's all for today, I hope to see you all again in my next blog! Have A Wonderful Day!

Important Links :-
2) Johny's article on GadgetZZ website -  JOHNY'S ARTICLE

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